Theorizing Early Modern Studies (TEMS) is a collaborative, interdisciplinary workshop investigating Europe and the wider world during the early modern period (late 16th-early 19th centuries). TEMS has three primary endeavors: 1) to undertake and promote research that moves beyond traditional Liberal Arts themes, methodologies, and disciplinary divisions; 2) to create conditions promoting truly collaborative research involving the humanities and social sciences; 3) to further both the research of participants and the field-shaping conversations to which their work contributes.
Juliette Cherbuliez, Associate Professor, Department of French and Italian
Michael Gaudio, Associate Professor, Department of Art History
Matthias Rothe, Assistant Professor, German, Scandinavian and Dutch
J.B. Shank, Associate Professor, Department of History
Contact Michael Gaudio for more information.
Thursday, May 9 – 10th Annual Graduate Student Roundtable. "This unnatural War came like a Whirlwind': Remembering and Rebuilding in Margaret Cavendish's Prose, Dana Schumacher-Schmidt, English; A Bestiary Hunt: Sovereignty and the Memories of Violence in Northeastern Turkey, Murat Altun, Anthropology; The Figuration of Nature in the French Enlightenment, Sean Killackey, French. 5:00-6:30 p.m., Nolte 235.
Friday, May 10 – Lecture: Epistemic Genres or Styles of Thinking? Tools for the Cultural Histories of Knowledge, Gianna Pomata, History of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University. 3:30-5:00 p.m., Tate Physics 131.
History of Science, Technology, and Medicine Colloquium.